Monday, May 13, 2013

Para ser limeña

Lima I love you.  Lima I hate you.  I can’t help but feel conflicted in this city of contrast, inequity, and change.  How do I understand you?  How do I become part of you? 

There are approximately 9 million ways to be part of Lima.  So how do I become a true limeña?  Well we’ll start with being mirafloreña…it takes a surprising combination of grit and class.  Who better to personify this city than some of its most charming protagonistas? 

To be a verdadera mirafloreña you have to:
1)   Put your make up on during your morning combi ride.  Better yet, curl your eyelashes with a spoon.
2)   Call the bodega for wine delivery.
3)   Rock heels on the most slippery sidewalks in the world.
4)   Put taxi drivers in their place.
5)   Charm your cobrador into the best prices with a single glance.
6)   Unabashedly throw elbows when waiting in line for the combi.
7)   Enjoy Bembos, and Inka Cola.  Or at least pretend to.  Be outraged every time a restaurant doesn’t have Inka Cola.
8)   Prepare un arroz chaufa buenasso.
9)   Secretly prefer huevona to flaca.
10)       Use chaufa organically.  Like you don’t even care.
11)       Shame middle-aged men out of their seats on the combi.
12)       Avanzar allll fondo…fuck no.
13)        Avoid eye contact as you keep your asiento reservado.
14)       Pack you own groceries, somehow you end up with five bags for two items
15)       Set the breakfast table with at least 16 plates, and then serve coffee with a saucer.
16)       Be horrified every time someone hasn’t tried ceviche.
17)       Cross streets with reckless wanna run me down, I don’t think so.
18)       Take a combi tres cuadras…and then complain about how far it is to get to Wong.
19)       Your dietary staples are: pancito, hot dog, ice cream, and platano.
20)       Un luca y china to get to la Católica...olvidate.
21)       Curse out a piropo.
22)       Make sure to tell your American host daughter that “they’re going rob you” every time she looks especially nice.
23)       Know more English than Quechua or Aymara or Tupi.
24)       Be able to argue about what is better Pardos or Norkys.
25)       Be able to hold an in depth conversation about why Bembos is better than all the other fast food chains...focusing on patty consistency.
26)       Wear a see-thru shirt, and or pants, and or big deal.  Do I look like I care?
27)       Tremor, what tremor? I lived through the Pisco earthquake of 2007.
28)       Leave if there is no aji.
29)       Buy all you clothes in la quinta or polvos azules…Nikes, sí son Nikes autenticos.
30)       You can’t make out with your boy friend in your parents house, but the public park...why not?
31)    Holes in my jeans, no problem I'll wear tights too.

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